The Reverend Father Peter Andronache has been serving the parish of St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, since October 15, 2012. Fr. Peter was born in Bacau, Romania, in 1977, coming to the United States to study at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas. After obtaining a Bachelor's of Science degree in both mathematics and computer science, he studied at the University of Notre Dame, receiving first a Master's of Science degree in computer science then a Doctorate degree in computer science. He subsequently studied at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, finishing a four-year program in three years as well as being recognized as the valedictorian of the graduating class in 2007. He was ordained a deacon by the hand of His Eminence Iakovos of Chicago on June 4, 2006, in South Bend, Indiana, at the church of St. Andrew, and ordained a priest by the hand of His Eminence Alexios of Atlanta on June 29, 2007, in Savannah, Georgia, at the church of St. Paul. His previous parish assignments have been Holy Trinity in Clearwater, Florida, and St. Barbara in Sarasota, Florida. Fr. Peter is married to Presvytera Magda. They, picture to the side notwithstanding, have six children: Teddy, Lucia, Timmo, Sym, Kassi, and Margaret. Fr. Peter's interests include theology, chanting and singing, swimming, and reading. Home renovation is not an interest; just a necessity. He and his family consider themselves blessed to serve the parish of St. John the Baptist.